AP Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan has commented on the tragic stampede at Sandhya Theater during the benefit show of Pushpa 2. Addressing the media on Monday, Pawan stated that the discussions about Allu Arjun’s potential involvement in the incident have been exaggerated. He lauded Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy as a dynamic leader and praised his administration for supporting the film industry, contrasting it with the policies of the YCP government. Pawan highlighted that the hike in ticket prices and benefit shows significantly contributed to the record-breaking collections of films like Salaar and Pushpa 2.

Allu Arjun’s Theater Visit Criticized

Pawan expressed concerns over actors visiting theaters during high-profile screenings, saying it often raises expectations among fans and can lead to issues. He pointed out that while Allu Arjun has historically avoided theater visits after three earlier instances, his presence during the Pushpa 2 event drew unnecessary controversy. He described the death of a woman in the stampede as a grievous incident and urged filmmakers, including heroes, directors, and producers, to extend their condolences and support to the victim’s family.

Pawan suggested that if other team members had visited the theaters instead of Allu Arjun, the situation might have been better received. He emphasized that filmmaking is a collaborative effort and that responsibility for such incidents should not fall solely on the hero. He criticized the trend of isolating one individual, such as the lead actor, in public discourse after such events.

Praise for Revanth Reddy and Legal Action

Pawan commended Telangana CM Revanth Reddy for supporting the film industry by permitting benefit shows and higher ticket prices. He clarified that the government’s actions in the Allu Arjun case are aligned with the law and not based on personal vendettas.

Drawing parallels, Pawan defended legal action in other cases, including the allegations against YCP leader Perni Nani over missing rice. He reiterated that everyone is equal before the law, and justice should be pursued without bias.

This nuanced response highlights Pawan’s balanced stance—supporting accountability in the film industry while advocating for fairness in legal proceedings. The incident underscores the need for stricter safety measures during public events to prevent such tragedies in the future.