Mega daughter Niharika Konidela made her Tollywood entry with the movie Ek Manasu. But this movie did not achieve the expected success. After that she acted as heroine in many movies but they did not bring much recognition to Niharika. With that, she married Chaitanya, whom she loved, and settled down. But after a few years, the relationship got strained and after getting divorced, Niharika became active in movies again.
Currently, Niharika is acting as the heroine in Malayalam actor Shane Nigam’s film ‘Madras Karan’. Niharika, who acted like the girl next door in her earlier films, has turned out to be a range of beauties in this film. Recently, a video song called ‘Kadal Saduguvu’ has been released from this movie. Nebular romance with Shane Nigam in this song makes you sweat even in winter. Erases the boundaries and develops a wonderful chemistry with Nigam. Similarly, Niharika has done a wonderful dance in this song. Also his gestures in the song are better than before. Looking at it, it seems that Niharika has seriously increased her focus on movies from now on, this mega daughter seems to have changed herself accordingly and is ready for anything.