The tragic stampede incident at Sandhya Theater, which occurred during the benefit show of Pushpa 2 starring Icon Star Allu Arjun, has sparked significant legal and social attention. Revathi, a woman caught in the stampede, tragically lost her life, and her son, Mr. Tej, is among the injured, currently in the hospital. Allu Arjun, following the incident, was arrested and produced before the court. He was remanded for 14 days but later released after the High Court granted him interim bail.
The situation took a new turn when a person named Yugandhar Goud approached the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in Delhi. Goud’s complaint highlighted that Allu Arjun’s involvement led to the loss of life, and he also accused the police of causing further harm through a lathi charge. The NHRC took up the matter for investigation and recently issued a notice to the Director-General of Police (DGP) of Telangana, seeking an explanation regarding the events. The Commission has given the DGP four weeks to respond.
The case has sparked public debate, especially with regard to the safety protocols at such events and the responsibility of organizers and authorities. The NHRC’s investigation into the incident, including the police’s actions, is closely being monitored.