Nandamuri Balakrishna’s film Daku Maharaj, which was released during the Sankranti festival, has been a massive success at the box office. Directed by Bobby Kolli, the movie has captured the audience’s attention with its action-packed storyline and catchy songs. As the film continues to perform strongly in cinemas, the team decided to hold a series of victory celebrations to share the success with their fans.
The latest celebration took place in Anantapur, where Balakrishna delighted his fans by taking the stage and singing a song from the film. His impromptu performance added a personal touch to the event, with the crowd erupting in cheers and excitement. Balakrishna’s energy and connection with the fans were palpable, creating a memorable experience for everyone present. A video from the event, showing the actor singing, quickly went viral on social media, further elevating the film’s success and solidifying Balakrishna’s special bond with his supporters.
Daku Maharaj has not only been a hit in terms of box office collections but also in terms of fan engagement, with Balakrishna’s singing performance being a standout moment in the ongoing victory celebrations. The film’s success is a testament to the strong fanbase of Balakrishna and the hard work of the entire team.