Nandamuri Balakrishna, the beloved actor and son of the legendary Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, expressed heartfelt gratitude following his prestigious recognition with the Padma Bhushan. In a heartfelt message, the actor thanked the Indian government, his colleagues, and his fans for their continuous support.

Balakrishna, who has become a monumental figure in the Telugu film industry, acknowledged the deep sense of honor he felt after receiving this esteemed award. He extended his gratitude to his fellow actors, technicians, producers, distributors, and exhibitors, all of whom have contributed to his success over the years.

The actor also thanked his fans, who have remained loyal throughout his journey, particularly for supporting him as the proud successor of his late father, NTR. Balakrishna’s emotional message highlighted his eternal indebtedness to his supporters, who have stood by him through thick and thin.

The actor also congratulated other Padma awardees, celebrating their accomplishments alongside his own. Balakrishna’s words were filled with warmth and humility, marking this moment as not only a personal achievement but a collective celebration of the entire film fraternity’s hard work and dedication.

In his final words, Balakrishna reminded everyone that his gratitude will remain forever, affirming his commitment to his fans and the industry.