The tragic incident at Sandhya Theater during the premiere of Pushpa 2 has sparked a major controversy in the state. The situation escalated after Icon Star Allu Arjun’s involvement in the incident, leading to his arrest and subsequent release on interim bail. The controversy gained further intensity with Telangana CM Revanth Reddy’s remarks, where he stated that no benefit shows would be allowed for films. Cinematography Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy also voiced opposition to increasing ticket prices, causing significant concern for films set to release around Sankranti.
Movie collections are a key aspect of film success and promotion, with numbers like Gross, Net, and Share used to calculate how well a movie has performed at the box office. These figures are often highlighted on social media and in promotional materials to show the popularity of a film, with fans contributing to the conversation by posting these numbers, believing them to reflect a hero’s market stamina.
In a recent interview, producer Nagavanshi provided clarity on how these numbers are calculated. He explained that Gross refers to the total amount collected from ticket sales at theaters. From this, a certain percentage is deducted for government taxes, resulting in Net collections. The Share is the amount that the producer ultimately receives after further deductions, such as the percentage that goes to the exhibitors and theaters, based on how long the movie runs in cinemas.
For example, if a movie ticket is priced at ₹250, the producer may only receive ₹100 after tax and exhibitor deductions. This breakdown reveals why, despite blockbuster movies, the final earnings for producers can be much lower than expected. Nagavanshi also mentioned that to ensure profitability, producers need to control costs, such as reducing actor remunerations and avoiding unnecessary shooting expenses related to film runtime. His insights have led to widespread discussions on Twitter, with many emphasizing the importance of reducing budgets to secure better business outcomes for producers.