Producer Suryadevara Nagavamshi, known for his witty and sharp remarks during film promotions, once again created a buzz with his statements. His speeches during the release of films like Guntur Karam and Devara have gone viral for their satirical tone, and he didn’t hold back during a recent round table hosted by a Bollywood media company. The event, which included prominent producers and actors from both South and North industries, witnessed Nagavamshi engaging in a fiery exchange with Bollywood producer Boney Kapoor.
Nagavamshi candidly addressed the growing influence of South Indian cinema, saying, “Our South Indians are teaching Bollywood how to make movies. You’re still stuck in Bandra and Juhu while we’ve created Baahubali, RRR, Pushpa, Kalki, and Animal.” Boney Kapoor, while acknowledging the dominance of South Indian films, replied by pointing out Bollywood’s successes like Gadar 2, Pathaan, and Jawan. However, Nagavamshi quickly countered with a playful jab, mentioning that even Jawan had a South Indian connection, with its director Atlee helming the project.
Nagavamshi’s remark that “Mumbai won’t sleep when Pushpa 2 collects ₹86 crores in Hindi on its first day” became the highlight of the discussion. His bold statements not only showcased his confidence in South Indian cinema but also underscored the growing competition and camaraderie between the two industries.
This lively interaction has now become a hot topic, with fans and industry insiders alike applauding Nagavamshi’s unapologetic stance and quick wit. As South Indian films continue to make waves nationally and internationally, Nagavamshi’s words resonate as a testament to their cultural and commercial impact.