Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi’s upcoming romantic drama, Thandel, unveiled its trailer in Visakhapatnam on Tuesday. The trailer is packed with beautiful moments between Chay and Sai Pallavi, along with a glimpse of the Indo-Pakistan conflict. The trailer became an instant hit, amassing over 1 crore views on YouTube within 24 hours.
This special photo moment was captured during Thandel‘s promotions on Wednesday. The bright smiles on Chay and Sai Pallavi’s faces reflect their happiness, and the photograph highlights the amazing chemistry they share on screen. This chemistry is bound to captivate audiences in the film.
Thandel is set to hit theaters worldwide on February 7, ahead of Valentine’s Day. Directed by Chandoo Mondeti, the film is produced by Bunny Vas under Allu Aravind’s presentation. The music for the movie is composed by Devi Sri Prasad. The movie is being released as a pan-Indian film, promising to appeal to a wide audience.