Nag Chaitanya Wedding: Akkineni’s family is in a very happy mood right now. Naga Chaitanya and Akhil’s wedding has kept the fans excited. However, some of Amala Akkineni’s social media posts in the wake of these weddings have led to some debate. Akhil and Zainab got engaged while Naga Chaitanya and Shobhita got married this month. It is noteworthy that while Amala made an emotional post about Akhil’s engagement, she did so about Naga Chaitanya’s engagement.
Nag Chaitanya Wedding and Amala Silence
Seeing this, the netizens are expressing doubts that the two sons are not equal. Some believe that Amala saw Naga Chaitanya and Akhil separately. Because Naga Chaitanya was the son of Nagarjuna from his first marriage. What is to be understood is that Amala shows equal love for both her sons.
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Naga Chaitanya’s wedding may have been a private affair between family members only, hence Amala may not have reacted specifically about it. Also, since Akhil and Zainab’s engagement is a more public event, Amala took to social media to express her happiness. Although this has led to many controversies, Akkineni’s family is all happy. Fans are wishing Akhil and Naga Chaitanya all the best for this new moment in life.