Global star Ram Charan’s latest movie ‘Game Changer’ is getting ready for Sankranti release. As the director Shankar is directing this movie, everyone is eagerly looking to see if this movie will create any kind of sensation at the box office. Already the posters, songs and teaser of this movie have taken the expectations of this movie to peaks.
The makers have recently released the third single song ‘Nana Hirana’ from this movie. Rama Jogaiah Shastri has given the beautiful lyrics for this song and singers Karthik and Shreya Ghoshal have sung brilliantly. The way Thaman has composed this song with the melody tune is nice. This song is slowly gaining audience. Filming this song with the film unit’s infrared technology has become a hot topic. Director Shankar has been saying from the front that the visuals in this film will surprise the audience. As he said, the visuals of this song are stunning.
The film unit is confident that the song will be different if seen on the big screens. The makers say that Ram Charan’s romance with Kiara Advani in this song will please the audience. The film is all set for a grand release on January 10.
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