Mythri Movie Makers, known for its historic success with Pushpa 2 in 2024, is gearing up for another big year in 2025. This summer, the production house is set to release two highly anticipated films on the same day. The first film, Jaat, is an action drama starring Bollywood icon Sunny Deol, directed by Gopichand Malineni. This collaboration between Mythri and Malineni, following their successful partnership on Veera Simha Reddy, is nearing completion. Jaat will release on April 10 in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu, marking a significant milestone for both Mythri and Deol’s career.

On the same day, Mythri is also releasing Good Bad Ugly, a Tamil film starring Ajith Kumar in the lead role. Directed by Adhik Ravichandran, this film has faced several delays but is now confirmed to hit the screens on April 10. The film’s release has been eagerly awaited by Tamil cinema fans, and the timing could not be more exciting.

However, releasing two major films on the same day could create a challenge for Mythri, particularly with overlapping markets. The release of Jaat in Tamil might reduce the screen count for Good Bad Ugly, and similarly, the Telugu version of Jaat could impact the visibility of Good Bad Ugly in Telugu-speaking regions. It remains to be seen whether Mythri will proceed with both releases on April 10 or make adjustments to avoid direct competition.