The much-awaited sequel to the blockbuster Malayalam film Lucifer is finally here! Directed by actor-director Prithviraj Sukumaran, the sequel, L2E: Empuraan, has generated immense excitement among fans. The official teaser was recently released, and it promises an action-packed continuation of the story.

While Lucifer concluded with Steven Nedumpally’s arc, L2E: Empuraan will focus on the character of Khureshi, exploring his story that is intricately woven with politics in Kerala. The film will delve deeper into the power dynamics and political tension that set the stage for the conflict.

In an exciting twist, Prithviraj confirmed that the Lucifer franchise will extend even further. L2E: Empuraan will end on a cliffhanger, setting the stage for a third part in the series, which will continue the saga.

L2E: Empuraan is set to release in theaters on March 27th, 2025, across five languages, making it a pan-Indian affair. Fans are eagerly awaiting this epic continuation of the Lucifer legacy.