Minister Vangalapudi Anita has strongly reacted to the recent resignation of Vijayasai Reddy. In a satirical remark, she suggested that Vijayasai may have had a dream of an axe, leading him to resign out of fear. However, she emphasized that regardless of his political status, those who commit wrongs should face appropriate punishment.
During a visit to the Visakha Juvenile Home, Anita reiterated the government’s responsibility to ensure the protection of children. She firmly stated that no one should need to be reminded of this duty. She then launched a severe critique of the YCP, accusing them of misleading the people with falsehoods over the past five years.
In response to YCP leaders criticizing Chandrababu and Minister Lokesh for not bringing any investment during their visit to Davos, Anita defended the opposition leaders. She highlighted that while the summit was held four times over the last five years, former CM Jagan could only attend once.
Anita also strongly countered former Minister Roja’s criticism of the so-called Red Book Constitution running in the state. She argued that if the Red Book Constitution were in place, YCP would not have been on the streets for the past seven months. Her comments have fueled ongoing political debates surrounding accountability and governance.