Pushpa 2 Collection: Allu Arjun starrer ‘Pushpa: The Rule’ has become a huge success in the Telugu film industry. The film was declared to have grossed Rs 1900 crore worldwide. With this success, the film team has taken up another new endeavor. It was decided to re-release ‘Pushpa 2’ with 20 minutes of additional content. With this new content, the movie is expected to get huge popularity once again.
Massive Plan for Pushpa 2 Collection Increase
Additional content related to Pushpa 2 will make it possible to attract more audience. In the wake of the already huge success of ‘Pushpa: The Rule’, this additional content is expected to make the audience spend more time in theatres. Fans are also eagerly waiting for this new content. However, it is not clear how much these changes will affect the movie collections.
Currently, three new films are gearing up for release before ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ joins the 2000 crore club. With these new movies, ‘Pushpa 2’ is likely to have more competitionSh There is Currently the market conditions of the film world, the releases of new films and their popularity play a vital role in the success of this film.
However, once Pushpa 2 attracts more audience with additional content, it will not be surprising if the movie reaches the 2000 crore club. But, the film needs more marketing strategies, fan support, good promotions to achieve this big goal. If all things go well, ‘Pushpa 2’ is sure to reach the 2000 crore club.