Mamta Kulkarni, a prominent Bollywood actress of the 1990s, has returned to India after a 25-year absence. Now a spiritual leader, she recently participated in the Mahakumbh Mela 2025, where she performed a holy dip in the Sangam and conducted “pind daan” as part of her spiritual practices.

According to media reports, Kulkarni will be inducted into the Kinnar Akhada, a significant Hindu monastic order. She will be bestowed with the esteemed title of “Mahamandaleshwar,” a revered position within the spiritual hierarchy.

Kulkarni, known for her captivating performances in films like “Premasikharam” and “Donga Police” in Telugu cinema, achieved considerable fame during her acting career. However, her life also took a controversial turn in the past.

This unexpected return and her embrace of spirituality have generated significant interest and discussion among the public and media.