Malayalam cinema continues to stand out for its unique storytelling, breaking away from repetitive themes and offering fresh narratives. Known for originality, Malayalam films are in high demand, gaining prominence on OTT platforms and pulling audiences to theaters. One such hit movie, ‘Identity,’ is now ready to captivate Telugu audiences.
‘Identity,’ starring Malayalam star Tovino Thomas and evergreen beauty Trisha, is directed by Akhil Boy and Anas Khan. The movie also features Vinay Roy and Mandira Bedi in key roles. The film, released on January 2nd, 2025, has already grossed over ₹50 crore in the Malayalam market, marking it as the first big hit of the year. With its Telugu-dubbed version, ‘Identity’ is set to premiere in theaters on January 24th, 2025.
The Telugu trailer launch took place in Hyderabad, with the film unit in attendance. Speaking at the event, producer Mamidala Srinivas expressed confidence in the film, stating, “The movie has achieved ₹40 crore in Malayalam within days of its release. We are delighted to bring this gem to Telugu audiences and are confident it will be a great success.”
Another speaker, Chintapalli Rama Rao, added, “I extend my gratitude to the media and friends who supported us. We believe this film will resonate well with Telugu audiences and become a memorable success.”
With its gripping narrative and strong performances, ‘Identity’ is expected to make a significant impact in Telugu states. Fans are eagerly awaiting its release on January 24th.