Mahesh Babu’s “Guntur Karam,” released during this year’s Sankranti festival, initially garnered mixed reviews. However, it quickly gained momentum and emerged as a box office success, captivating audiences with its blend of family drama, action, and comedy. Directed by Trivikram Srinivas, the film features a stellar cast including Srileela, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Ramyakrishna, Prakash Raj, Rao Ramesh, and Jayaram in pivotal roles.
“Guntur Karam” resonated with audiences across demographics, thanks to its engaging storyline and strong emotional core. The film’s music, composed by Thaman, played a crucial role in its success. Notably, the song “Kurchi Madathapetti” became a global sensation, topping music charts worldwide. This unexpected triumph highlights the film’s widespread appeal and the power of captivating music.
“Kurchi Madathapetti” achieved unprecedented success on YouTube, setting a new benchmark for Telugu cinema on the global stage. The song’s infectious rhythm and energetic choreography captivated audiences worldwide, making it a viral phenomenon.
“Guntur Karam,” produced by Harika & Hassine Creations, stands as a testament to the enduring power of compelling storytelling, strong performances, and captivating music in Telugu cinema.