KCR: KCR who drove the car... is going to enter the battlefield?

KCR: Calvakuntla Chandrasekhara Rao’s salaries should be stopped immediately… Congress leaders have written to the Assembly Speaker Bearded Prasad. Congress corporator Rajasekhar has accused Kalvakuntla Chandrasekhara Rao’s salary without coming to the Telangana Assembly.

Letter to Assembly Speaker Gaddam Prasad, Requesting Immediate Suspension Of Salary And Allowance Of KCR

Congress corporator Rajasekhar has also written to the Assembly Speaker Beard Prasad to stop his salaries immediately. Now this topic has become a hot topic on social media. However, the pink social media is firmly countered over this. Telangana Chief Minister Revant Reddy has not been coming to the Secretariat for the past few days.

In particular, Revant Reddy, who has gone to Delhi 39 times, has not brought no one rupee to Telangana. 39 times for going to Delhi… he demanded a salary cut.

The Post KCR: Stop the KCR salary immediately? Appeared first on pakka filmy Telugu.