Mega Prince Varun Tej as the hero and Meenakshi Chaudhary as the heroine is known for the recent huge movie “Matka” directed by the talented director Karuna Kumar. And this film, which came to the theaters recently, could not achieve the expected range of success. Despite Mega Prince Varun Tej’s sincere effort as always, this movie also failed to give a result commensurate with his hard work.
But now finally this movie is ready for OTT release. The famous streaming company Amazon Prime Video owns this movie and they have given the date from when this movie will be streamed. And according to the official date given by them, it has been announced that this big budget movie will be streamed from December 5. And Matka is being released simultaneously in Pan Indian languages, he said. And let’s see what kind of response will come here.
risk, reward & gamble – MATKA Vasu is the ringmaster who rules them all ????#MatkaOnPrimeDecember 5
— prime video IN (@PrimeVideoIN) November 30, 2024
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