Tamil director Sundar C, known for his successful comedy films like Winner, Kalakalappu, and Ulattai Allitha, recently opened up about his past crush on actress Soundarya. In a candid interview, Sundar C shared that he had a serious one-sided love for Soundarya, which he kept to himself, never confessing his feelings to her.
Sundar C admitted that he had always hoped to work with Soundarya, who was one of the leading actresses of that time, and his admiration for her was immense. However, despite his strong feelings, he never expressed his love. The director revealed that if his life had taken a different turn, and if his now-wife Kushboo had not come into his life, he would have gathered the courage to propose to Soundarya, believing that he would have won her affection.
Sundar C’s admission has caused a stir on social media, with fans and the public reminiscing about the love story that never was. Currently, Sundar C is busy directing the film Gang Star, where he also stars as the lead actor. Interestingly, his wife Kushboo is producing the film, adding another personal connection to his professional journey.