BRS Working President K.T. Rama Rao (KTR) has responded to the ongoing controversy surrounding Allu Arjun’s arrest in connection with the stampede incident at Sandhya Theater during the Pushpa 2 benefit show. KTR claimed that the government is using this issue to divert public attention from more pressing matters, particularly those affecting the common people.
KTR criticized the government’s handling of the situation, stating that the arrest and subsequent media coverage are strategically timed to overshadow significant public concerns. He specifically pointed out that Telangana Congress leader Revanth Reddy had raised demands for exgratia for families affected by various tragedies, including the deaths of Gurukula school students, auto drivers, and farmers. KTR accused the ruling party of using the issue of Allu Arjun’s arrest to avoid addressing these critical matters.
The incident that led to Allu Arjun’s involvement began with the tragic death of a woman named Revathi during the stampede at the theater. Her son is still undergoing treatment. Allu Arjun was initially arrested by Chikkadapally police, later questioned, and subjected to medical tests before being remanded. However, the actor filed a quash petition in the High Court, which granted him interim bail until December 30.
While the matter has sparked debates, KTR called for a more significant focus on addressing public grievances, suggesting that the state government should prioritize actions such as compensating the affected families instead of focusing on cinematic affairs.