Videos of Tamil star hero Vishal visibly shaking during the promotional event for his film Madagadaraja have gone viral on social media, raising concerns among his fans about his health. The actor, reportedly suffering from a fever of 103 degrees, attended the event despite his condition.

Senior actress Khushboo provided clarity on the matter in an interview. She revealed that Vishal had fallen ill while in Delhi but chose to attend the event due to the significance of the film, which is releasing after 11 years. She stated, “Vishal was shivering with a high fever but insisted on being present as the film meant a lot to him. He was taken to the hospital immediately after the event and is now recovering well. Fans need not worry.”

Khushboo further praised Vishal’s dedication and hard work for the film. Sharing her relationship with Vishal, she mentioned that while they have not worked together professionally, they share a close bond. “We first met at a party and have been good friends since. Vishal is a talented artist, and I admire some of his films. While I formally address other heroes, I enjoy joking around with Vishal,” she added.

Directed by Sundar C., Khushboo’s husband, Madagadaraja stars Vishal alongside Varalakshmi Sarathkumar and Anjali. After an 11-year wait, the film is finally set to release on January 12th, creating significant anticipation among audiences. Fans are now relieved to hear about Vishal’s recovery and eagerly await the film’s release.