Keerthy Suresh: Keerthy Suresh, who is known for her talent in Telugu cinema, has now stepped into Bollywood as well. Keerthy, who started her film career with ‘Baby Jaan’, received a mixed response from the Bollywood audience. Although her performance and glamor impressed the audience, the film also faced some criticism after its release. However, she worked hard to promote the film, competing with the star heroines of Beetown and impressing the audience with her unique style and scenes. Her photos and videos are going viral on social media platforms and her following has increased.

Keerthy Suresh discusses privacy and respect

However, during these promotional activities, Keerthy had an inconvenient incident. While getting into a car at an event, a photographer tries to take a photo of Keerthy in an obscene angle. Kirti expressed her displeasure at this move. According to her, despite giving the photographers as many photos as they want, this kind of indecent behavior will not be tolerated. Keerthy, while sharing this, suggested strict action against privacy violators.

Keerthi Suresh shared this incident as his experience and explained how important it is to maintain personal dignity. As she said, every person, especially a celebrityteaIt is advised to protect the dignity of others and respect their private life. Keerthy also took the incident as her lesson and reminded her of the importance of maintaining personal privacy.