In an emotional and uplifting announcement, Kannada star hero Shivrajkumar has been declared completely cured of bladder cancer. Doctors have confirmed that his treatment was successful, and he is now on the road to recovery. The news was shared by his wife, Geeta Sivarajkumar, who expressed immense gratitude towards the medical team and well-wishers who supported Shivrajkumar throughout his battle.
In a heartfelt four-minute video posted on social media, Shivrajkumar himself shared the good news with his fans, confirming that the doctors have officially declared him cancer-free. The actor thanked his supporters for their prayers and love, stating that all medical reports came back negative, including the crucial pathologist report, which confirmed that the cancer had been eradicated.
Shivrajkumar, who underwent an intense treatment regimen including chemotherapy, praised the doctors and nurses at both Bangalore and Miami’s Baptist Hospital and Cancer Institute for their exceptional care. He shared how the team treated him with compassion and dedication throughout his journey.
In the video, Shivrajkumar humorously remarked on his recovery, stating that he’s returning to his energetic self with “double the power” and expressed his excitement to resume work soon, including returning to the sets for his upcoming films. He also thanked his wife Geeta and all those who stood by him during this tough time, with heartfelt appreciation for their support.
Shivrajkumar’s courage and resilience throughout his illness, along with the unwavering support of his family, medical team, and fans, have been an inspiration to many. As he recovers, fans are eagerly awaiting his return to the big screen.