Kangana Ranaut’s self-directed movie Emergency, based on the tumultuous period of Indira Gandhi’s regime, has been facing significant hurdles in the United Kingdom. The film, which had been delayed several times before its release on the 17th of January, is now encountering issues with its screenings in many theaters across the country.
The Indian Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Randhir Jaishwal, addressed these concerns, stating that Emergency is being obstructed from screening due to threats from anti-India groups and violent protests. The spokesperson emphasized that India has continuously raised these issues with the UK government, urging them to take action against those obstructing the film’s screening.
Jaishwal expressed hope that the UK government would take the necessary steps to ensure the smooth release of the film. The Indian Embassy is actively monitoring the situation, staying in touch with the authorities to resolve these issues.
Despite these barriers, Emergency aims to depict a critical chapter in India’s history, shedding light on the extreme circumstances that prevailed during the emergency period of Indira Gandhi’s leadership. With tensions rising over the film’s release, the Indian government continues to advocate for its right to be showcased globally without external interference.
The ongoing diplomatic efforts highlight the significance of the film and the importance of its release in international markets, especially in places where it has encountered resistance.