The excitement around Pushpa 2 continues to build as it dominates the box office, setting new records across India. Starring Allu Arjun, the film has taken the country by storm, outshining Bollywood releases and even breaking records previously held by films like Dangal. There’s talk that Pushpa 2 could surpass the ₹2000 crore mark, potentially becoming the highest-grossing Indian film of all time if it continues its strong run for a few more weeks.
However, despite the massive success, Bollywood’s response to Pushpa 2 has been lukewarm. Some stars and top production houses seem indifferent to its record-breaking performance, and there are murmurs in the industry downplaying its achievement. This tension escalated with a recent statement by Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, which has gone viral on social media.
Kangana, known for her outspoken views, criticized Bollywood for being unable to produce films like Pushpa 2, suggesting that the industry is too focused on superficial elements like beach scenes and heroines rather than strong, content-driven narratives. She also claimed that Bollywood’s obsession with certain stars was overshadowing other talents. Kangana’s remarks have fueled further debate on the state of the film industry, especially in light of Tollywood’s recent rise with pan-India hits like Baahubali, RRRR, Salar, and Pushpa.
With consecutive successes, Tollywood is steadily emerging as the dominant force in Indian cinema, overshadowing Bollywood. The growing global recognition of Telugu cinema only adds to the debate about the changing dynamics between these two film industries.