Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film Sky Force, set to hit theaters during the Republic Day weekend. While Akshay is currently busy with promotional activities for Sky Force, fans are eagerly awaiting his Telugu debut in Vishnu Manchu’s prestigious project Kannappa, slated for release in April 2025.
In Kannappa, Akshay takes on the powerful role of Lord Shiva, while the talented Kajal Aggarwal plays Goddess Parvathi. This film marks the second collaboration between Akshay and Kajal after their successful partnership in the heist thriller Special 26. Kajal’s first-look poster for Kannappa was released recently, and it has generated excitement among fans.
There were initial speculations that Prabhas might play Lord Shiva, but the makers have clarified that Akshay will be portraying the divine role. Kannappa also features a stellar ensemble cast, including Mohanlal, Sarathkumar, Mohan Babu, Preity Mukundhan, and Madhoo, among others. Directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh and produced by Mohan Babu, Kannappa promises to be an exciting devotional action drama.