Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar’s party JD(U) has withdrawn its support to the BJP government in Manipur. This decision is likely to affect the distribution of seats for the upcoming Bihar Assembly elections. The violence and law and order situation in Manipur may have influenced this move. The withdrawal of JD(U) was a major setback for BJP, however, the BJP government is currently stable with alliances like NPF and NPP.
In the Manipur Assembly, though the BJP has 32 seats, the JD(U) is not in the ruling coalition with six MLAs. With this decision by JD(U), BJP is likely to face criticism for the deterioration of law and order. However, while not an immediate threat to the BJP government, these developments could have a wider impact. Bihar is due for assembly elections in October, and Nitish Kumar’s move is seen as a strategic pressure tactic against the BJP.
In Manipur, even as violence escalated, N. Biren Singh continues as Chief Minister. Although the opposition is demanding his resignation, the political developments are still ongoing. This background shows a new influence in the political scene of Bihar. It can be said that the impact of the unrest in Manipur may become crucial in Bihar. JD(U)’s move may create tremors in Bihar politics. Whether Nitish Kumar and BJP will continue their alliance or part ways remains uncertain. The impact of the Manipur unrest is now visible in the political scene of Bihar. The coming days will decide whether the alliance will break or a new equation will emerge. One thing is true- it is far from political drama.
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