On January 21, 2025, the film industry in Tollywood was rocked by a series of IT raids on several high-profile celebrities. IT officials began conducting searches at the residences and offices of some of the biggest names in the industry, including leading producer Dil Raju, his family members, and renowned director Anil Ravipudi. The raids also targeted the homes and offices of Dil Raju’s daughter, Hansita Reddy, and other relatives.
The investigation extended to the producers behind the blockbuster Pushpa 2 movie, with Maitree Company CEO Naveen, along with key partners like Cherry, being searched. Additionally, Mango Media Company, associated with famous Tollywood singer Sunita’s husband, Ramu, was also raided. These raids have caused a stir across the film industry, with many speculating about the motives and possible outcomes of the investigation.
Dil Raju’s wife, Tejaswini, responded to the raids, revealing that the IT officials had examined bank lockers and asked for bank details. Though the purpose of the raids remains unclear, the high-profile nature of the individuals involved has made this a sensational event. The ongoing investigation has raised questions, especially since Dil Raju holds the position of Chairman of the Film Director Corporation in the Telangana government.