Honey Rose, who gained recognition in Tollywood for her role in the movie Veera Simha Reddy, has recently made headlines with a shocking post on social media. Although she entered the industry a decade ago, it was her role alongside Balakrishna in Veera Simha Reddy that garnered significant attention, boosting her career prospects. Known for her beauty and charm, Honey Rose has also caught the eye of many fans and social media followers.

Honey Rose Claims Sexual Harassment by a Businessman

The actress, who is often admired for her looks, revealed an unsettling experience involving a businessman. According to Honey Rose, she was invited to attend the opening of his shopping mall in the past, which she graciously did. However, when he continued to invite her to subsequent openings, she politely declined, citing other commitments. In response, the businessman began following her wherever she went, creating an uncomfortable and disturbing situation for the actress.

In her recent social media post, Honey Rose opened up about the harassment she has been enduring. She claimed that the businessman has been spreading obscene content about her online and sexually harassing her through social media. Expressing her frustration, Honey Rose wrote a letter where she emphasized that such actions should be treated as serious offenses and not tolerated. She further criticized the lack of legal protection for women in such cases, stating that she would no longer tolerate such behavior.

Fans Rally Behind Honey Rose, Demand Legal Action

As Honey Rose’s post went viral, her fans rallied behind her, condemning the businessman’s actions. Many supporters are calling for legal action against him, demanding that a case be filed and that he be arrested for his inappropriate behavior. The actress has gained widespread support from the public, who are urging authorities to take swift action and ensure that women’s safety and dignity are upheld.