Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi have teamed up once again for the movie “Thandel,” and the buzz around the film is already building. The producers have been promoting the music, with the first two singles, “Bujji Thalli” and “Namo Namah Shivaya,” already released. The third single, “Hilesso Hilesso,” is now out and features the lead pair, with their chemistry taking center stage. The song has already captured hearts, thanks to Devi Sri Prasad’s beautiful composition.

“Hilesso Hilesso” is a love ballad that highlights the affection between Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi. The track’s serene atmosphere is further enhanced by the calm vocals of Shreya Ghoshal and Nakash Aziz, with Shreemani’s heartfelt lyrics weaving a narrative of love and connection. The chemistry between the lead couple shines through, making it an unforgettable piece of music that fans will surely adore.

Directed by Chandoo Mondeti, “Thandel” is slated for release on February 7, 2025. With the beautiful music and strong performances, the film is shaping up to be a highly anticipated release.