Game Changer and Daku Maharaj: The Andhra Pradesh High Court has taken a crucial decision on the hike in the ticket prices of the films ‘Game Changer’ and ‘Daku Maharaj’ which are being released as a Sankranthi gift. After the Andhra Pradesh government issued an order to increase the ticket prices of these two movies, a petition was filed against this decision. The court heard the petition and issued orders limiting the ticket prices to 10 days.

High Court Key Decision on Game Changer and Daku Maharaj

Currently, the Andhra Pradesh government has increased the ticket prices for these two films. Specially, ‘Game Changer’ movie benefit show ticket is Rs.600 and ‘Daku Maharaj’ benefit show ticket is fixed at Rs.500. Also, ticket prices have been allowed to go up to Rs.175 in multiplexes and Rs.135 in single screens. However, some objected to the hike, arguing that raising ticket prices would be a burden on the audience.

In this context, the judgment given by the High Court helps to understand several aspects. The court ordered that the hike in ticket prices be limited to 10 days only. The decision came as a relief, especially for moviegoers. Also, through this judgment, it is clear that there is court supervision over the decisions taken by the state government.

This judgment gave the government some control over the decisions regarding the film. This court’s decision on the increase in ticket prices has come as a relief to movie lovers in particular. It standardly shows that there are limits to the decisions taken by governments

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