Hero Mohan Babu recently extended his warm wishes to the Telugu audience on the occasion of the Sankranti festival. He shared an inspiring message from his character in Rayalaseema Ramanna Choudhary, where he said, “Forget what happened yesterday, focus on what you need to do today. Don’t dwell on the past or worry about tomorrow.” He emphasized the importance of living in the present and striving for better opportunities in the future.
Mohan Babu participated in the Sankranti celebrations organized by Mohan Babu University, where he highlighted the significance of the festival. “Sankranti is for all of us. It’s a celebration of farmers, and if they prosper, we all will prosper,” he added. He wished for the well-being and happiness of everyone, reiterating the idea that success in their profession would be a true festival.
In addition, he spoke about his upcoming film Kannappa, which is being developed as Manchu Vishnu’s dream project. He mentioned that the movie is undergoing extensive graphics work, and despite exceeding the planned budget, they remain confident about its success. “We are very confident about the film, and with the blessings of the people, we hope it turns out to be a great success,” Mohan Babu shared.
The much-anticipated film Kannappa is set for release on April 25, 2025, and stars Prabhas, Kajal Aggarwal, Mohanlal, and Akshay Kumar in key roles. The teaser for the film has already garnered attention, with Prabhas making an exciting entry.