‘Sandeham’ starring Suman Vootkuru as bold beauty Hebba Patel in the lead role. The film is directed by Satish Paramaveda of North Urik film fame. The film is a love and engagement thriller produced by Satyanarayana Parcha under Vishnu Varshini Creations banner. The film got a good response in the theatre. Recently, there was doubt about ETV’s win. Doubt received a good response in OTT as well.
Hebba Patel’s acting is going crazy for the audience. Among the films released this week, Doubt is trending at the top of OTT. Shweta Verma, Rashika Shetty, Shubha Sri Rayaguru, Srinivas Bhogi Reddy, Sundar Rao Parcha, Chandrasekhar played key roles in this movie. It is remarkable that all the roles are given due importance. Praveen Vanamali’s cinematography and Venkata Prabhu’s editing are major attractions of this movie. Subhash Anand’s music enthralled the audience.
The post Trending Hebba ‘Sandeham’ first appeared on Latest Telugu Movie News, Reviews, OTT, OTT Reviews, Ratings.