Pulses: Pesarappu This is very easy to do. Pesarappu curry will be ready in no time. When there are no vegetables in the house, they cook the food. Halwa is also made with pesara. Fenugreek is not only good for taste but also good for health. Cassava is rich in nutrients. It is rich in magnesium, fiber, carbohydrates, potassium, iron, zinc, vitamin B2, B6. Pulses
But health experts say that if you eat pesarapapu with lettuce, it will be more beneficial for your health. Cassava provides calcium, potassium, iron, antioxidants, copper, fiber and proteins to the body. Both fenugreek and lettuce are rich in nutrients. If these are eaten together, the body will get many benefits. Spinach is high in fiber. Pulses
It helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood. It is rich in proteins. Provides iron to the body. Lettuce is very good for health as it is rich in proteins. Calcium and magnesium in lettuce add strength to muscles. Both fenugreek and lettuce are rich in fiber. If these two are eaten together, the digestive system will improve. Constipation problems will also be removed by eating these. If you eat fenugreek and lettuce, the immunity in the body will increase. Eliminates viral infections. Pulses