The Andhra Pradesh government has canceled the land registrations for the Saraswati Power Plant, owned by former Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. This decision follows the discovery that several plots included assigned and government lands. The administration identified 20 acres in Vemavaram (Machavaram mandal) and 4.84 acres in Pinnelli as assigned lands within the total land purchased for the power plant in Palnadu district.
Machavaram Tehsildar Kshamarani submitted a report to the District Collector, confirming that government-assigned lands were wrongly registered. She recommended canceling the deeds, which was promptly approved. On receiving the official directive, the Sub-Registrar of Piduguralla annulled the registrations, officially reclaiming 24.85 acres of assigned lands.
The Saraswati Power Plant owners had acquired a total of 1,250 acres across Chennayapalem, Vemavaram, Pinnelli, and Tangeda villages in Palnadu district. However, no construction has been initiated on the land so far. There were serious allegations that portions of the acquired land included forest and assigned lands, prompting Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan to visit the site and order a detailed investigation.
Following an extensive government survey, officials confirmed that no forest lands were involved. However, the misuse of assigned lands surfaced, leading to swift action. In response to the Tehsildar’s report, the District Collector directed the Sub-Registrar to cancel registrations, reinforcing the government’s stance against illegal land acquisitions.