Gautham Vasudev Menon, the celebrated director and a self-proclaimed ‘biggest fan’ of Kamal Haasan, directed the iconic actor in Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu in 2006. Menon has long expressed his admiration for Haasan and has often shared his desire to direct him again. Continuing his trend of collaborating with legends, Menon is set to make his Malayalam film debut with Dominic and The Ladies Purse, starring the legendary Mammootty. In a candid interview, Gautham shared his thoughts on working with both Kamal Haasan and Mammootty, and how he managed to keep his fanboy instincts in check to be a professional director.
Reflecting on his tribute to Kamal Haasan in Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu, Gautham revealed to Galatta Plus that his credits appeared on-screen as Haasan walked past during the song Karka Karka. He also mentioned that a similar homage will be paid to Mammootty in Dominic and The Ladies Purse. However, Gautham made it clear that he doesn’t see Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu as a fanboy film, even though there were moments elevated by Kamal Haasan’s nuances. He emphasized that his goal was always to avoid letting the fanboy energy overtake his role as a director.
Discussing his experiences with both Haasan and Mammootty, Gautham admitted that working with such esteemed actors can be intimidating, but it pushes him to perform better. He noted how working with Kamal Haasan and Venkatesh in Gharshanaa helped prepare him for the experience of working with Mammootty. Gautham also highlighted the difference in his approach when working with actors like Silambarasan TR, pointing out that he was meticulous in his preparation for Dominic and The Ladies Purse, while he preferred a more organic approach with Simbu.
Dominic and The Ladies Purse, directed by Gautham and produced by Mammootty, also stars Sushmitha Bhat and Gokul Suresh. The film is set to hit theatres on January 23, promising a thrilling blend of action, comedy, and romance.