Game Changer, the latest film starring global star Ram Charan and directed by the sensational filmmaker Shankar, hit the screens on January 10, 2025. The film, a political action thriller, features Kiara Advani and Anjali as the heroines, with supporting roles from actors like SJ Surya, Sunil, Srikanth, and Srikanth Iyengar. Produced by Dil Raju under a massive budget, the movie has already garnered positive reviews and fan reactions.
However, fans were left disappointed when the much-anticipated melody song Nana Hirana, which had already become a super hit prior to the movie’s release, was missing from the theatrical release. The song, known for its beautiful visuals featuring Kiara Advani and Ram Charan, along with its soothing music by Taman and lyrics by Ramajogaiah Shastri, had already received millions of views on YouTube. It was shot over six days in New Zealand at a cost of 10 crores and was expected to be a highlight of the film.
The Game Changer team has now clarified that due to technical issues, specifically with the processing of infrared images, the song could not be included in the initial prints of the movie. The team assured fans that they are working tirelessly to resolve the issue and that the song will be added back to the film from January 14, 2025.
In a statement on social media, the team said, “Due to some technical issues, we are unable to perform this song at the moment. We are diligently working towards adding the song back soon. We apologize for the inconvenience and assure fans that it will be part of the movie starting January 14.”
Fans are eagerly waiting for the release of the song in its proper form, and it is expected to be one of the key highlights when it returns to the movie.