Ram Charan, the successor of Telugu megastar Chiranjeevi, has carved a niche for himself as a global star. His upcoming movie Game Changer, directed by the legendary Shankar, is one of the most anticipated films of the year. Produced by Dil Raju, the movie is set to release on January 10 as a Sankranthi gift. However, the film has not been without its share of controversies.
Recently, Lyca Productions raised objections, urging that Game Changer should not be released in Tamil Nadu until Shankar completes his commitments to their project Indian 2. The dispute nearly delayed the release, but actor Kamal Haasan reportedly intervened, resolving the issue amicably. With this hurdle cleared, the team now faces criticism from a surprising source.
Film critic Blue Sattai Maran has alleged that Game Changer is a copy of the Tamil film Tennavan, which starred Vijayakanth. According to Maran, the storyline of Game Changer—centered on an honest IAS officer (played by Ram Charan) standing up to a corrupt politician—bears a striking resemblance to Tennavan. In the latter, the plot revolves around a righteous election commissioner’s clash with a chief minister, played by Nassar. Maran’s claims have sparked heated debates on social media, with fans defending the film and critics demanding clarity.
The film features Ram Charan in a powerful role, with Kiara Advani and Anjali as the female leads. While the allegations of plagiarism loom over its release, audiences are eager to see if Game Changer will live up to expectations or falter under the weight of controversy. As the Sankranthi release date approaches, all eyes will be on this high-stakes film to determine whether it becomes a blockbuster or faces backlash.