Game Changer, the highly anticipated film starring global star Ram Charan, is all set for a grand release on January 10. Directed by the legendary Shankar and produced by Dil Raju and Shirish, this pan-India movie has already created a huge buzz in the film industry. Featuring Kiara Advani and Telugu actress Anjali in lead roles, with Surya as the antagonist, the movie is set to hit theaters in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, and Malayalam languages. With a massive budget of ₹450 crores, Game Changer is not just a film but a celebration for fans and cinema lovers alike.
The advance bookings for Game Changer have been phenomenal, with ticket sales rising across platforms like BookMyShow, Paytm, and District by Zomato. Reports indicate that nearly 30,000 tickets are being sold every hour. In Telangana, where Ram Charan enjoys a massive fan base, bookings opened on January 9 and saw an overwhelming response. By Thursday afternoon, the film had already grossed ₹40 crores in advance bookings, and experts predict it might cross ₹100 crores by evening. The Hindi market has also shown promise, contributing ₹5 crores in pre-sales. Fans eagerly await whether Game Changer can surpass the Day 1 records set by previous blockbusters like Devara.
The film has already made waves on social media, with visuals of Ram Charan’s 256-foot cutout in Vijayawada going viral. This massive cutout, decorated with flowers and erected by a team of 50 people, has earned a place in the International Wonder Book of Records. The movie’s trailer has further heightened expectations, showcasing Ram Charan’s powerful role as a collector dealing with socio-political issues in the Telugu states. Shankar’s signature style, stunning visuals, and Thaman’s music promise a cinematic experience like no other. The film’s songs and background score have already received immense love from fans, adding to the anticipation.
With Sankranti festivities around the corner, Game Changer is poised to dominate the holiday season. Early reports suggest houseful shows in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana even before the official release. The combination of Ram Charan’s post-RRR popularity, Shankar’s directorial brilliance, and a gripping storyline ensures that Game Changer is more than just a film; it’s a landmark in Indian cinema. Whether it sets new benchmarks or meets fan expectations, one thing is certain: Game Changer is ready to create history. Fans are eagerly waiting to witness the magic unfold on the big screen this Sankranti.