The Telangana government has denied permission for the benefit shows of the highly anticipated movie Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and directed by Shankar, which is set to release tomorrow for the Sankranti festival. The film’s team had requested an extension for the benefit shows and a hike in ticket prices, but the government rejected the plea for a 1 am show with increased prices.
However, the government has granted approval for six shows starting from 4 am on the movie’s release day. Additionally, ticket prices have been allowed to increase, with a hike of Rs. 100 for single screens and Rs. 150 for multiplexes on the release day. For the period from January 11 to 19, five shows per day will be allowed with an increase of Rs. 50 for single screens and Rs. 100 for multiplexes. The government has officially issued orders regarding these changes.