Exciting news has recently emerged, as reports suggest that Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Akhtar may be expecting their first child together. The couple, who tied the knot in February 2022, is reportedly taking their relationship to the next level after three years of a happy married life. Although there has been no official confirmation from Farhan and Shibani themselves, the pregnancy rumors have created a buzz on social media, with fans already congratulating the couple on this new milestone in their journey.
Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Akhtar’s Wedding
Farhan and Shibani’s wedding, which took place in Khandala in February 2022, was an intimate affair with close friends and family members. The couple’s deep connection and private ceremony captured the hearts of many, making their wedding a cherished event in Bollywood. While pregnancy rumors surfaced once before in 2022, Shibani swiftly dismissed them with a clever response. She posted a mirror selfie on social media, humorously attributing the rumors to tequila, clearing any doubts about her pregnancy at that time.
Farhan’s Previous Marriage
Farhan Akhtar was previously married to Adhuna Bhabani, and the two parted ways in 2016 after nearly 16 years of marriage. The former couple shares two daughters, Shakya and Akira. Farhan and Shibani, however, have been able to build a strong relationship since their wedding and are now the center of attention with these latest rumors.
Fans are eagerly waiting for Farhan and Shibani to address the pregnancy speculations, with many excited to see the couple step into this new phase of life.