Pushpa 2 Tickets: As icon star Allu Arjun starrer ‘Pushpa-2’ is nearing its release, there is a lot of excitement among the fans. As this movie is going to be released on a pan-India level, expectations are sky high among movie lovers across the country. The film team is making arrangements to hold a grand pre-release event at Yousafguda Police Grounds in Hyderabad on December 2. The ceremony was organized on a grand scale and planned to delight the fans.

Fans Upset Over Pushpa 2 Tickets

However, the issue of ticket prices related to this event is causing some dissatisfaction among the fans. They resent the fact that the ticket prices are beyond the reach of the general public. Those who wanted to attend the event out of love for the movie “Pushpa-2” had to turn back due to high prices. Due to this reason, some people want to delay the event for some time, think and offer tickets at affordable prices.

“Pushpa-2” is a very special movie for Allu Arjun fans. The first part of this movie “Pushpa: The Rise” created a sensation across the country. This has increased the expectations for the second part. Film sources believe that Allu Arjun is sure to win the hearts of fans and rewrite records at the box office. But, the pre-release event ticket prices factor is a bit of a disappointment to this happiness.

Fans hope that the issue will be brought to the attention of the film team and a solution will be found soon. The excitement seems to be redoubled by making changes to make the event accessible to everyone without losing the fans’ faith. This could be the key to the success of the event. Allu Arjun is sure to prove his talent once again and mesmerize the audience with the movie “Pushpa-2”.