Smartphone: Nowadays everyone is using smart phones. Smart phones have many uses. Under no circumstances should laser lights be recorded with smart phone cameras. This will permanently damage the camera sensor. Due to the high energy density in the laser lights, the lens system sensor can also be damaged. Recently, it has become common to mount smart phones on bikes, this also damages the camera. Tech experts say that the vibrations caused by speeding vehicles can damage the smartphone camera. So make sure not to make this mistake either. Currently, waterproof phones are buzzing in the market.

Smartphone camera problems

As a result, they are taking pictures under water, but the camera gets damaged even if it has an IP rating. Prolonged immersion in water can cause the phone to overheat. This will damage the camera. What happens is that using the camera in extreme temperatures can adversely affect the camera. If it is not too cold, the camera will be damaged even if it is used in a hot place.

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It is not good to use the camera especially in the time when the sun is high. Using protectors for the camera lens can also affect the quality of the camera in some cases. Dust particles can enter the small gaps between the lens and the protectors and damage the lens. So make sure that these mistakes do not happen. If you make these mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, the camera will be damaged. The camera may be completely damaged remember (Smartphone).

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