Sleeping: Are you sleeping with a pillow.. but in danger?

Sleeping: Many people put a pillow while sleeping. Many people cannot sleep without a pillow. Some people sleep comfortably if the pillow is high. But many people have a doubt that it is better to wear a pillow or not to wear a pillow. If a pillow is used, the head should be in a neutral position. If anyone wants to use the pillow, it should be used only by those who sleep on one side. Sleeping

Do you sleep with a pillow or no

Experts say that if you are a back sleeper, it is better not to put your head up. If you absolutely want to put a pillow, then you should only put a small thin pillow. If you have a habit of sleeping on one side and not on one side, you should not use the headboard. This gives relief from back pain. Sleeping

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Experts say that sleeping without a pillow keeps the spine straight. A body poster is good if you sleep without a pillow. Problems like insomnia will go away. Sleep quality also increases. If you suffer from insomnia then try sleeping without a pillow. Sleeping