The Telangana government has approved a hike in ticket prices for Ram Charan’s much-awaited film Game Changer. Directed by Shankar, the movie is creating a buzz with its grand scale and lavish budget. Recently, Shankar revealed that he has spent a whopping Rs. 75 crores on the songs alone, making it one of the most expensive song budgets in Indian cinema. This is a massive amount considering that in the past, filmmakers made entire medium-budget films with this sum.
A Look Back at Shankar’s Extravagance
Shankar is known for his extravagant filmmaking, and a notable example dates back to 1998 when he spent Rs. 2 crores for a single song in the movie Jeans. The song “Puvvullo Dagunna Prementho Atishayam” showcased the seven wonders of the world, shot across seven countries. The lavish expenditure for this one song was unprecedented at the time, and it remains a benchmark for Shankar’s larger-than-life filmmaking approach.
Challenges and Criticism in Shankar’s Career
Despite his successes, Shankar has faced criticism in his career. After Shivaji, which was a commercial success, fans were divided over certain elements of the film, particularly Rajinikanth’s appearance. Similarly, Robo had its own set of trolls due to its over-the-top moments in the second half, despite being a massive hit due to its groundbreaking visuals. Shankar’s subsequent films like I and 2.0 received mixed reviews, with some projects failing to meet high expectations.
Hope for a Comeback with Game Changer
With Game Changer, fans have high expectations for Shankar’s return to form. Although the teaser and trailer haven’t brought any significant surprises, advance bookings for the movie, set to release on January 10, are strong. This has raised hopes that Game Changer could be the film that re-establishes Shankar’s reputation in the industry.