Dil Raju supported Pawan: Pawan Kalyan, at the pre-release event of Game Changer, made interesting comments about director Shankar and producer Dil Raju. On this occasion, Pawan shared his experiences about Shankar’s films and Dil Raju’s production through his speech. “I don’t watch movies much, but I bought a black ticket and watched Shankar’s ‘Gentlemen’ in Tamil. At that time, I didn’t know whether I would become an actor or not, but I wanted to watch his film,” said Pawan. “I took my grandmother as no one wanted the movie Premikudu. Shankar’s cinema is unique in its innovation and telling stories that are understandable to every age group.
Dil Raju supported Pawan during struggles
In his speech, Pawan Kalyan sensitively commented on his career, political leanings and other prominent figures. “Today, famous directors from the South have played very important roles in the likes of Jr. NTR, Charan and Rajamouli to become world famous. Shankar, one of those directors, made great films and impressed the audience. “His films have given a dynamism to the society,” said Pawan.
On the occasion, Pawan Kalyan also spoke about his experiences at school and his relationship with Dil Raju. “Currently Dil Raju is the producer of Na Vakil Saab. He is the person who distributed my first love movie. I am money in hard timess He supported me during my absence and helped me to start the film. Dil Raju is like a person who helps us, my politics is also supported with that money,” said Pawan.
Pawan Kalyan’s remarks at the event, sharing his experiences in the industry and recognizing the role of people like Shankar and Dil Raju, made the film so important. The movie “Game Changer” is all set to release on January 10 and the pre-release event has created huge expectations for the film.