Game Changer: Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy gave clarity on ticket price hike and special and benefit shows in the Assembly. Although he made this clear, it is reported that the matter was further discussed in a meeting with Tollywood celebrities. Revanth Reddy is bound by the decision, however, TFDC chairman and veteran producer Dil Raju said there was no discussion on the ticket price hike.

Dil Raju plans to meet Revanth for Game Changer

In this context, Dil Raju recently made interesting comments. He announced to meet Chief Minister Revanth Reddy to increase ticket prices for his film ‘Game Changer’. Referring to the proverb “If you don’t ask, you won’t give”, he said that he is going to try to increase the ticket prices. This development can be said to be an interesting development for the Tollywood industry.

In view of the release of the movie ‘Game Changer’ on January 10, Andhra Pradesh government has given permission to increase the ticket prices. He thanked Dil Raju, Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu, Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan and Cinematography Minister Kandula Durgesh. Dil Raju wants to request Revanth Reddy once again to give permission for the same ‘game changer’ ticket price hike in Telangana as well.

Dil Raju said that the hike in ticket prices will add 18% to the government’s revenue and government support is essential for big budget films. As Telugu films are gaining worldwide recognition, this decision will have a key impact on the future of the film industry. Revanth Reddy has said many times that he will help the film industry in every way. Dil Raju too, thatYaHe said he was ready to meet me again and discuss ticket prices and special shows. If Revanth Reddy takes his decision, it will be a great development for the Tollywood industry.

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