Tollywood film producer Dil Raju recently met with AP Deputy CM Pawan Kalyan at his Mangalagiri camp office, where they discussed the arrangements for the pre-release event of Game Changer. While initial reports suggested that the event would be held in Vijayawada on January 4 and 5, it has now been confirmed that the pre-release function will take place in Rajahmundry on January 4, with Pawan Kalyan attending as the chief guest.
Game Changer, produced by Dil Raju, is set to release on January 10, 2025, as a gift for Sankranti. The film stars Kiara Advani as the female lead, with key roles played by SJ Surya, Srikanth, Anjali, Prakashraj, Jayaram, Sunil, and others. The movie will be released in multiple languages, including Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi. The recently released songs and teaser have generated significant excitement among fans, increasing expectations for the film’s release.