The much-anticipated pre-release event of Nandamuri Balakrishna’s upcoming movie Daku Maharaj, originally scheduled to take place in Anantapur, has been called off. On Thursday, the film’s production company officially announced the cancellation, citing the tragic stampede in Tirupati that claimed the lives of six devotees. The decision was shared on social media, emphasizing the team’s respect for the sentiments of the grieving families.
In their statement, the production house expressed deep sorrow over the incident, calling the loss of lives at the sacred site “heartbreaking.” They stated that organizing a celebratory event during such a tragic time would be inappropriate and against the spirit of Sankranthi, a festival of togetherness and joy. The cancellation reflects their commitment to honoring the emotions of devotees affected by this unfortunate event.
Despite the cancellation, Daku Maharaj is all set to release on January 12 as a Sankranthi gift for audiences. The film has already generated immense buzz, and fans eagerly await its theatrical debut. The production team had initially planned an extravagant pre-release event in Anantapur, with Andhra Pradesh Minister Nara Lokesh as the chief guest. However, the tragedy in Tirupati prompted them to forgo these plans in solidarity with the grieving families.
Daku Maharaj promises to be another landmark film in Balakrishna’s illustrious career, combining high-octane action and engaging storytelling. While the pre-release event has been canceled, the production team assured fans that they are focused on delivering a memorable cinematic experience when the film hits the screens this Sankranthi.